Almost Home English
In StockEd Reid wants us to make sure we are on the right road as we approach the end of time. He discusses truth, guides, shadowy valleys, the future, nations rising and falling and super powers. He points out signs and detours and the coming crisis, and emphasizes that many of the choices we make in this life have serious consequences for the present and for the future.
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Is the world coming unglued?This book you are about to read offers answers to these and many more of today?s most-asked questions. It presents more good news in one place than you have had in a long time.
This good news?these answers?are drawn from history?s all-time best seller. To most people today, these things have been like well-hidden secrets. But for you who read these pages, they will become OPEN SECRETS!
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The Incredible Power of Prayer English
0 out of 5(0)You know the power of prayer. You?ve experienced miracles in your own life. Now you cannot wait to share it. This book of Roger Morneau’s most powerful stories has been prepared especially for non-Adventists, introducing them to the powerful truths that we hold so dear.
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0 out of 5(0)This book is the current missionary book of the year (2009) for the entire General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.The good is that things are written with authority ? Christ is coming back, and we need to prepare.