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Homes of Hope & Health English 1 × රු0.00×
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Health & Wellness | Soft Copy (PDF) English 1 × රු0.00×
Story of Hope | Soft Copy (PDF) English 1 × රු0.00×
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In Stockகிறிஸ்தவ இனிய கீதங்கள் என்ற இந்தப் பாட்டுப் புத்தகம் ஏழாம்நாள் அட்வென்டிஸ்ட் திருச்சபையினரால் வெளியிடப்பட்டுள்ளது.
This book is the current missionary book of the year (2009) for the entire General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.The good is that things are written with authority ? Christ is coming back, and we need to prepare.
Mike behaves like a gentleman in public, but at home hurls insults and curses at his family. Bonita vows to gouge out the eyes of the drunk driver who killed her son. A grade school kid picks fights on the playground…a neglected teen wishes her mum were dead…a married couple screams at eachother and slams doors…a woman refuses to forgive… Their stories are all different, but one thing is the same: they are very angry. Sometimes they’re so upset that they don’t remember what it feels like to be at peace. But there is hope beyond anger. Discover how to break the anger habit and experience the radical transformation that comes from giving and receiving forgiveness. Make a fresh start and learn to control your anger, surrender your grudges, and be set 0.
Four of the author’s five children were murdered in one night; this book chronicles her search for spiritual answers to the tragedy.
சில கேள்விகள் மிகவும் சாதாரணமானவைகளாகத் தோன்றும். ஆனால் கவனமாக ஆராய்ந்து பாhத்தால் மூச்சே நின்று போகும்படியாக அதிர்ச்சி தரும் உண்மைகள் இக்கேள்விகளுக்குப் பின்னால் ஒளிந்திருக்க முடியும் இப்படிப்பட்ட கேள்விகள் சில: மரத்திலிருந்து பிரிந்த ஆப்பிள் பழம் ஏன் கீழே விழுகிறது? இரவில் ஏன் வானம் கறுப்பாக இருக்கிறது?
Using Abraham as the example of someone who lived a life of true faith, the book was written specifically to reach Muslims with the Gospel message of Jesus Christ as Saviour of the world. It addresses what faith means, and how faith in God transforms our characters. It includes references from the Qur’an that speak of Abraham and Jesus and his work, as well as Bible references concerning the fulfillment of Bible prophecy in the birth, life and death of Jesus. It is written in a non-confrontational manner that respects Muslim people of all nations.