End Time Countdown English
In StockThis book is the current missionary book of the year (2009) for the entire General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.The good is that things are written with authority ? Christ is coming back, and we need to prepare.
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The Bible Study English
0 out of 5(0)Using the Bible exclusively, this useful resource answers pretty much a lot of question a Seventh-day Adventist Christian might face.
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Open Secrets English
0 out of 5(0)How can I cope with loneliness?
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Is the world coming unglued?This book you are about to read offers answers to these and many more of today?s most-asked questions. It presents more good news in one place than you have had in a long time.
This good news?these answers?are drawn from history?s all-time best seller. To most people today, these things have been like well-hidden secrets. But for you who read these pages, they will become OPEN SECRETS!