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This booklet highlights the value of the Christian way of life. This book speaks to the Christian pious, still it’s an open book for everyone.
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An incredibly helpful book combining natural healing science and faith healing that people will want to keep near them. In this new Fourth Edition, the nutrition and disease chapters have been greatly enlarged; and a large herb chapter has been added. Many other improvements have been made. The book has been enlarged to 840 pages: covers over 730 diseases and disorders! (Most books of this type only touch on 80 to 125.) complete page cross-referencing throughout the book, so the reader can instantly turn to related information; six “Find It Fast” pages and they are in multi-colors; a beautiful, full-color painting on the covers; two colors on nearly every page in the book; a full-size “Women’s Section”, containing seven chapters; In coming months and years, In the home of each purchaser, the Encyclopedia will be recognized as a valued friend in time of need.
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One of the most complete books on quitting tobacco you can find. Why you must quit. Step-by-step guide as to how to quit. Ways to help you carry it through to success. Nutritional information to help eliminate cravings, weight control, plus more!