Steps to Personal Revival
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Open Secrets English
0 out of 5(0)How can I cope with loneliness?
How can I manage stress?
Why is there so much suffering?
How can I have financial security?
Is the world coming unglued?This book you are about to read offers answers to these and many more of today?s most-asked questions. It presents more good news in one place than you have had in a long time.
This good news?these answers?are drawn from history?s all-time best seller. To most people today, these things have been like well-hidden secrets. But for you who read these pages, they will become OPEN SECRETS!
රු20.00 -
Knowing Jesus Is Everything English
0 out of 5(0)If you were drowning and someone tossed you a life preserver, would you refuse it and try to swim to safety on your own? Or would you grab it immediately and cling to it for dear life? The answer is obviousyoud snatch up the life preserver in a heartbeat!But what if your eternal life was at stake? Would you insist on trying to save yourself? Or would you let God rescue you?If you’ve ever thought that the Christian life is just too difficultor even impossibletake a deep breath, find a comfortable chair, and face reality. It is too difficultif you dont know Jesus personally. No matter what you do (or dont do), you dont stand a chance without Him.
රු170.00 -
கிறிஸ்தவ இனிய கீதங்கள் என்ற இந்தப் பாட்டுப் புத்தகம் ஏழாம்நாள் அட்வென்டிஸ்ட் திருச்சபையினரால் வெளியிடப்பட்டுள்ளது.
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ජේසුස් වහන්සේ සහ ඔහුගේ සෙවන්ත් ඩේ ඇඩ්වෙන්ටිස්ට් සභාව ගැන වැඩි විස්තර දැන ගැනීමට කැමති සියලුම ඇඩ්වෙන්ටිස්ට් සභා සාමාජිකයින්ට, නායකයින්ට සහ අනෙකුත් පුද්ගලයින්ට ඇඩ්වෙන්ටිස්ට් සභා අත්පොත ඉතා ප්රයෝජනවත් වේ.
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Ministry Of Healing English
0 out of 5(0)This is a study guide to the book, Ministry of Healing. It is designed to help open up that book to you, by helping you to take time to really dig into the rich treasure which it contains. As you grasp these precious truths, and seek to bring them into your life, you will find that your happiness will deepen and your contacts with those about you will improve.
රු220.00 -
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