The Incredible Power of Prayer English
In StockYou know the power of prayer. You?ve experienced miracles in your own life. Now you cannot wait to share it. This book of Roger Morneau’s most powerful stories has been prepared especially for non-Adventists, introducing them to the powerful truths that we hold so dear.
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In Search Of the Treasure of Faith English
0 out of 5(0)Using Abraham as the example of someone who lived a life of true faith, the book was written specifically to reach Muslims with the Gospel message of Jesus Christ as Saviour of the world. It addresses what faith means, and how faith in God transforms our characters. It includes references from the Qur’an that speak of Abraham and Jesus and his work, as well as Bible references concerning the fulfillment of Bible prophecy in the birth, life and death of Jesus. It is written in a non-confrontational manner that respects Muslim people of all nations.
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The Bible Study English
0 out of 5(0)Using the Bible exclusively, this useful resource answers pretty much a lot of question a Seventh-day Adventist Christian might face.
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Help I’m Being Followed English
0 out of 5(0)What would happen if Christian leaders decided that “good enough” is no longer good enough? What if they stepped out of the comfort zone, stood for right, and strived for excellence? What if they were fearlessly committed to following God’s lead and trusting he future to Him?
In this book Clinton Valley casts just such a vision for Christian leaders. Drawing from years of experience, Valley offers insight about the true purpose of leadership and the profile of an effective leader. The practical and inspiring principles he shares will help you develop the vision, skills and focus you need to lead effectively. Help! I’m Being Followed addresses how to make positive changes, deal with conflict, handle criticism, and plan for relevance and progress.
Page after page you will find priceless knowledge and the growing confidence that the God who called you to lead will qualify, guide, and sustain you.
Includes review exercises for individual or group study.